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The Trophy Blog

What Is A Trophy Manufacturer?

What Is A Trophy Manufacturer?

A lot of the time you will hear from other athletes or golfers about trophy manufactures. They want to thank the company that made their trophies so they can keep them at the same place for years to come. There are a couple of different types of manufacturers and they all do a good job with the trophy they are given.


The two main types of trophy manufacturers are molded or fashioned and plated. Molded trophies are replicas of trophies that are found in sports shops and department stores. They are often given as "reward" for outstanding performance or outstanding finish, but may not always be worth anything since they are mass-produced.


Plated trophies are trophies that are created through a process much like a metal stamp. A very thick layer of gold or silver is applied to the trophy through a mold. When it is finally crafted and ready to be awarded, it is given an edge. Most plated trophies have edges because the gold or silver has such great strength. This makes them very nice to look at and most often adds to the value of the trophy.


If you are looking for an award that is not really a trophy at all, but rather a certificate, presentation folder, or resume, then a clear plastic base is what you need. These are trophies that don't have any padding or design on them. Often times people will use these when presenting certificates to employees or to special clients. It can also be given as a wedding gift. Since plated trophies are not typically used for any other purpose aside from the sporting event they were created for, these should be kept in very high demand. Look for more facts about trophies at https://www.encyclopedia.com/social-sciences-and-law/law/international-law/prize.

Some trophy manufacturers will make custom designed trophies. Many times companies will order a trophy from the metalsmith to their specifications. Then the metalsmith will apply lettering, artwork, and designs onto the base to create a one of a kind trophy. This is the most customized form of trophies and often takes the longest to produce. Start now!


When you are shopping for custom trophies at http://trophyman.com/, you need to know what you are looking for. Each trophy manufacturer will create trophies in different ways. If you are unsure of which style would be best for your situation, then ask questions. Trophy manufacturers are available on the internet and in many local stores to help you find what you need.

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